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Instagram and Hashtag Usage 

Voiceover artists usually have a manager or an agent. However, some (many) have their own businesses because that works better for them. In this case social media plays a big role in getting roles. Voice over artists also use site like,, they are called pay to play websites. Some artists dont go for these and others do, it's a peronal preference. 

Lets get in to #hashtags

@voiceoveremmy Emma Wheeler Voice Overs 

Her Instagram seems effective, she has over 1500 follwers and over 2000 psts. She seems to post every few days. She posts things about her personal life and career in the voice over industry. I am unsure if this is benefital to her career, but she does have followers. She hasn't #hastaged anything about her work, but her personal pictures have #'s. Which can bring people to her page as they search using the #'s she is using. Her last post was one day ago on October 12.


Nathan provides all types of voiceover work from commercial, narration, animation and other services. Which is best when you have a voice over business. It is best to dabble in each area, as each can bring in work and more customers. His Insta seems to be effective, he has his website listed. Videos of his work, as well as images. Thses images include parts of his demo reel.He also has inspirational posts, but most of his posts are video. He has 860 followers and 177 posts. His videos get th most responses, followed by the images. He recieves about 2-3 comments on each post, the most I can tell have been 8. He posts about 1-2 times per week. The one thing he is doing that I could do more of is post more videos and content with my voice. He uses hashtags in every single post, at least 3 minimum. The hashtags range from topics to #voiceover, #talent, #cartoon. The list can keep going. 


I loved all the posts on this Insta I ended up giving a follow. He does voice overs as well as give advice to people trying to make it in the business. He posts every day and each post has a minimum of 4 hastags. Which can drive people looking for help and voice over talent. He has over 1900 followers, over 1200 posts and is following 918 people. The posts are video content or voice, he offers audtion advice within the posts. The majority of the posts have a minimum of 100 likes, I believe the hastags are driving people to view his page. I am extremely impressed the content is great. 


She does voiceovers, but she also offers classes to help other voice over srtists. Which I can apperciate, she got a follow as well. She doesn't post much, however the conent that she has is very rich. The last post she made was in August. As I scrolled through her page I noticed that she first had mostly personal images and then made a shift to more professional images over time. She does not use many hastags, just a few here and there. However, she has 1,166 followers and has made 149 posts. Once she made the switch from personal to business I noticed that she has more videos.She has lots of views, but not many comments on the posts. 

The hastags that I have taken note that will be helpful are #voices, #voiceovertalent,#voiceover, #voiceacting, #newbusinessowner. The new business owner is one of my favorites. They are posting a lot of content with their voice and that would help me in the long run. Therefore I will try and do that in the future. I learned that this is a hard business, and that I might not have the voie that someone is looking for and rejection is ok. It will take a lot of work to get the end result that I want for my business. When I post the content also needs to be engaging material, or it will not get views or likes.  



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