Week 13 Part A: Online Advertising - Analysis of the Marketplace
The graphics and images draw my attention first. If the images are engaging and pop off the screen, then I am likely to stop and read what the advertisement is about. On Twitter, I mostly look to see who the ad is from. If it has a catchy tag line or hashtag I am likely to look in the comments and see what everyone is saying about the brand. Ads on Twitter and Instagram typically have a call to action. Their first step on Twitter is that they want you to stop, like it, and possibly click on the link and read more. These actions happen so fast. That is what they want, just a like so that your followers can view the same information.
These to me are typically annoying and I don't want to see them on my Twitter timeline. The advertisements where I am being targeted for movie releases or click bait articles. I despise them, but I know I probably clicked on something to make the algorithm believe that I was interested in the topic in the first place.
On Instagram I do not mind the ads at all, I rarely find them annoying. This is becuase I go to Instagram looking for ads. I specifically go to look for discounts on products that I want or gift ideas or a new product. Facebook and Instagram aka Meta are all about advertising. So when I go to those spaces that is what I am expecting nothing more and nothing less.
Compare the impact of traditional advertising (in newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio, TV, etc.) to advertising done on Social Media. Which seems more effective to you?
These to me are typically annoying and I don't want to see them on my Twitter timeline. The advertisements where I am being targeted for movie releases or click bait articles. I despise them, but I know I probably clicked on something to make the algorithm believe that I was interested in the topic in the first place.
On Instagram I do not mind the ads at all, I rarely find them annoying. This is becuase I go to Instagram looking for ads. I specifically go to look for discounts on products that I want or gift ideas or a new product. Facebook and Instagram aka Meta are all about advertising. So when I go to those spaces that is what I am expecting nothing more and nothing less.
Compare the impact of traditional advertising (in newspapers, magazines, billboards, radio, TV, etc.) to advertising done on Social Media. Which seems more effective to you?
I truly believe that all aspects of advertising are vital if a company can afford it. They all have their benefits. Newspapers and magazines or print ads can target an audience that may not be online or in a different age demographic. I don't know anyone under the age of 40 who reads a newspaper. Someone over 40 may be looking at a newspaper and see an ad, and a company can reach that older demographic.
Social Media reaches anyone with an account. Those demographics on social media can be tailored to what you are looking for unlike a newspaper, where you are just hoping to reach someone. While you can get hard data from Facebook. Therefore, in the end social media marketing is the future.
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