
Showing posts from December, 2021

Week 12 Comments

 I commented on the following students James Anear Sean Conti 

Developing Your Marketing Strategy

Instagram and Tik Tok, maybe my best options for voiceovers. I still do not like Facebook, I gave it up years ago, so it was very hard for me to return to it. Even for my business, I was not a happy camper to use it. However, I tried it and it gave me a chance to see what it is about. I think Instagram will give me the traffic that I am looking for to go straight to my website.  For my online marketing strategy, I will include more frequent posts and use more hashtags. Doing this will allow more people to find me and possibly lead to more site traffic overtime.  Although social media marketing is a great tool. I think spending about 40% of my time on social media would work. As most voice over artists are looking for auditions. The 40% would allow me time to still use it and get noticed, but focus on the other functions of my business as well. 

Final Blog Post

 Oh No! I felt like I disappeared for a little bit. being sick can take you out and it did. I haven't been sick for over a year and can you believe the surprise when I was laid up in and wanted to sit in pure darkness for weeks.  Well, I am here and I am trying to finish up what I can. This class has been interesting, I got to learn about people's experiences online and new businesses. I stepped out of my comfort zone for sure and well that was fun.  My social media usage has changed, I never thought I would go back to Facebook. I did, briefly, it is nice to have my business there, but it is still new and growing. I just don't like what Facebook has become, so I may not keep the page there. I have used Instagram for my business, I never thought I would need it, but I have found some good connections there. I was surprised when a few people reached out to me about voiceovers. That was exciting and I plan to see what comes of it, even though Instagram is owned by Meta (Face...