Oh No! I felt like I disappeared for a little bit. being sick can take you out and it did. I haven't been sick for over a year and can you believe the surprise when I was laid up in and wanted to sit in pure darkness for weeks. Well, I am here and I am trying to finish up what I can. This class has been interesting, I got to learn about people's experiences online and new businesses. I stepped out of my comfort zone for sure and well that was fun. My social media usage has changed, I never thought I would go back to Facebook. I did, briefly, it is nice to have my business there, but it is still new and growing. I just don't like what Facebook has become, so I may not keep the page there. I have used Instagram for my business, I never thought I would need it, but I have found some good connections there. I was surprised when a few people reached out to me about voiceovers. That was exciting and I plan to see what comes of it, even though Instagram is owned by Meta (Face...