Week1A: My Blog Theme

  Welcome to my blog! Wow, that was an adventure for me. I haven't used a blog site like this in a while. It definitely had me upset at first since I haven't used HTML in a while. For my current personal blog, I use Squarespace and it makes it easy to add images and update backgrounds. I had a heck of a time getting what I wanted from Blogger. It is still a work in progress, and I feel by the time I am done with this course I will be better acquainted with the program. The page will be exactly how I want by the time this is over.  I haven't used HTML since my Myspace page days and that is a long time ago. 

 When I first started out in this Blogger adventure I wanted to use my own images and pick some fancy color scheme and it was going to be amazing. I found out quickly that wasn't going to be the case. I was trying to resize image after image, first, an image of one of my favorite places in Hawaii called Hanapepe, then the picture you see here. I just couldn't get it right. So, I figured simple and sleek would be the way to go. 

Moving forward, my simple sleek blog will add images of my own life plus the weekly assignment. This blog post will include the discussion required, and a little info on the image. During this course process, I may change the background. I didn't try anything fancy, it just is simple and sleek. As to not to take away from my images and my words. I look forward to this writing blogging experience and the class.  

The included image is of my grandparents. They look so cool, something about the picture says we are ready for the word. I love retro clothing and specifically retro glasses. Vintage images tell such a story. I don't know where they are or where they are going, as they have both passed on. However, it looks fun! 


  1. I really love the photo of your grandparents. Nice job on choosing your theme. I also chose a simple and sleek layout because messing with the theme was annoying.

  2. Regina, Kudos to you for adding the picture of your grandparents into your post! They look great. I also like the whole look of your blog - it's definitely chill and sleek.

  3. I love the photo of your grandparents! Grandma looks like she has an amazing attitude. I like the colors on your theme page and the simplicity of your blog. I have never done one, so this was an experience for me.


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